Differentiators - LEARN
Comprehensive Curriculum
The school is affiliated to CBSE. The NCERT books are tower supplemented with content from various publications-based on merit. We believe this methodology strengthens the foundation of children in all subjects making them better equipped to face the future.
Every revolution in this world was triggered by the power of human voice. Communication is the lifeline for survival and effective communication is an essential trait in leadership. Communication exercises at TRANSCEND helps children hone their Speaking Reading, Writing Listening and Non-Verbal Communication Skills.
Digital literacy & computer proficiency is becoming increasingly indispensable in every job sector in the 21st century Children should understand the basics of Internet safety and social media etiquette TRANSCEND enhances efficiency and productivity of its students by training them on touch speed typing and Microsoft office.
Conversational Sanskrit
Sanskrit is the most ancient language and is the greatest treasure given to the world by India. Learning this language inculcates Samskara & Samskriti and refines articulation. At TRANSCEND, children are initiated into conversational Sanskrit from Grade-1.
Differentiated Learning
This novel initiative of TRANSCEND facilitates children to Leam at their own pace. Research reveals greater efficiency and joy of Leaming in such a self-paced environment than a controlled one. This also enables teachers to focus on children who need additional attention.
Skill Angels
Skill Angels is a Game-based learning app which fosters problem- solving, critical-thinking, innovation, collaboration, and other skills Every student of TRANSCEND has their own account in Skill Angels whose Al provides customized puzzles based on one’s IQ & EQ
P-School App
This is an online learning platform for children upto Std. 6 with highly engaging & educative content. TRANSCEND believes that this app is a better substitute to online games played by children on the internet. Every student of TRANSCEND shall have access to the paid subscription of this app for effective learning
Mythology & Values
An understanding of mythology serves as a moral compass to each generation by creating certain boundaries and guidelines about acceptable societal behaviour. At TRANSCEND “Value Statements” are introduced to children at an early age which eventually becomes their natural way of thinking and living.
Strategic Thinking
Games like Chess, Master Mind, Templeton etc build strategic thinking in children. Besides, these games improve visual memory, attention span, spatial reasoning & mathematical abilities. At TRANSCEND, in every grade, children are exposed to games that require strategic thinking.
Game Room Learning
Games are effective support tools to complement traditional teaching methods. Children at TRANSCEND are exposed to various traditional and modern games to foster skills such as understanding boundaries, accepting rules, adapting to situations, handling failure etc.