Montessori & Kindergarten [LKG, UKG]
Special Focus on Gross & Fine Motor Skills
Admission from 2.4 years onward
Pre-Primary School
The Pre-Primary Division of TRANSCEND, recognised by Government of Karnataka offers Kindergarten [LKG, UKG] and Montessori pedagogy of learning.
Admissions are open throughout the year for children aged 2.5 years and above. However, children aged 3.5 years and above must opt for KG pedagogy unless previously exposed to Montessori.
Transportation Facility Available
- The Montessori Methodology, developed by Dr. Maria Montessori, is based on scientific observation that intelligence in children is formed within the first 6 years of life.
- Children from 2½ years to 6 years work in the same environment. The Child, the Montessori Adult and the ‘Prepared Environment’ form a learning triangle.
- There are no grades or desk in Montessori, children learn at their own pace using material on working mats or Chowkies.
Admission from 2.4 years onwards Saturday Holiday